Global coverage
Flood maps are available for every country, every city, every location in the world.
Cost effective
Our flood maps are "off the shelf" reducing the need for costly and time consuming modelling.
High resolution
High resolution 5m flood maps are available for the UK, Republic of Ireland, US, Australia and Continental Europe. 30m resolution maps are available for every location in the world.
Industries and clients we work with
We value collaboration and sharing which is why we work with a wide range of clients every day. From international development agencies, transport and utilities, humanitarian and engineering consultancy companies, we are committed to providing high quality flood map data and expertise for your organisation to manage and mitigate risk.
For all enquiries relating to the property search, financial services and insurance sectors, please contact our specialist sister company - JBA Risk Management.
Enabling decision makers to better understand and engage with flood hazard
Understand risk
Evaluate the magnitude and distribution of flood risk in any country, city or location
Develop strategies
Develop flood risk management strategies at any scale
Communicate flood risk in a highly visual way to support stakeholder engagement
and capacity building
Design solutions
Design flood mitigation solutions, e.g. flood defences, nature based solutions, flood warning systems
The flood maps
UK and Republic of Ireland
5m resolution flood maps
River, surface water, groundwater and coastal layers
Canal failure and dam break maps
Extents and water depths for multiple return periods
Defended area layers indicating areas that are protected from flooding, its level of protection and source information quality
Central and South America
30m resolution flood maps
River and surface water flooding
Extents and water depths for 6 return periods
Defended area layers indicating areas that are protected from flooding, its level of protection and source information quality
30m resolution flood maps
River and surface water flooding
Extents and water depths for 6 return periods
Defended area layers indicating areas that are protected from flooding, its level of protection and source information quality
5m resolution flood maps
River, surface water and coastal layers
Extents and water depths for 6 return periods
Defended area layers indicating areas that are protected from flooding, its level of protection and source information quality
5m resolution flood maps available for Austria, the Czech Republic, Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Luxembourg, Liechtenstein and Switzerland
All other countries are mapped at 30m resolution
River and surface water layers
Extents and water depths for 6 return periods
Defended area layers indicating areas that are protected from flooding, its level of protection and source information quality
5m resolution flood maps available for the most populated areas
All other areas are mapped at 30m resolution
River and surface water layers
Extents and water depths for 6 return periods
Defended area layers indicating areas that are protected from flooding, its level of protection and source information quality
30m resolution flood maps
River, surface water and coastal layers
Extents and water depths for 7 return periods
Defended area layers indicating areas that are protected from flooding, its level of protection and source information quality
30m resolution flood maps
River and surface water flooding
Extents and water depths for 6 return periods
Defended area layers indicating areas that are protected from flooding, its level of protection and source information quality
30m resolution flood maps
River and surface water layers
Extents and water depths for 6 return periods
Defended area layers indicating areas that are protected from flooding, its level of protection and source information quality